Who with
SCRIS development partners
Developing strong working relationships allowed us to tap into advice, expertise and best practice from multiple sources.
IHDP identified connections within the following teams as key to delivery:
- SCRIS development
- PHS communications
- PHS web
- PHS events
- Usher Institute communications (where our SCRIS Communications Officer, hosted by IHDP, was based)
Key steps
Map connections which could be used and develop strong working relationships.
Don’t be afraid to ask for help or advice.
SCRIS audiences and users
For SCRIS, we identified the following groups within the current, potential and future audiences.
Current audiences
- Current users of the dashboards
- SCRIS team
- SCRIS Executive Board
Potential audiences
- Healthcare professionals who are not signed up to the dashboard
- Clinical researchers (with NHS contracts)
- Health Boards and regional levels and their staff
- health and social care and eHealth staff
Future audiences
- Patients
- Non-NHS researchers
- Policy makers
- Third sector organisations and researchers working in these organisations
- Industry
- Public
- Journalists
Key steps
Map your audiences.
Understand audiences’ needs (see - Understand SCRIS dashboards user needs and support dialogue).
Impact Stories
The ways in which IHDP’s approach and activities contributed to improved outcomes and impact are shown through impact stories.